Monday, January 17, 2011

Happy New Year!

 Well, a lot has happened since our last post and it mostly has to do with Gavin.  He graduated with his Associate's Degree in Business in December and is working toward a Bachelor's via Utah State University's satellite campus at SLCC.

He also started his new job at Macey's today.  We aren't sure what his schedule is going to be like but chances are we won't be seeing each other very much for the next little bit. Which may be a good thing because then I won't feel as guilty with all the studying I will have to do for school this semester. 

Gavin also got a new church calling.  I have been in the Primary since we moved into our ward in the summer of 2008.  I was teaching a sweet little class consisting of 3 girls who were no problem.  Then come 2009 I was put with 9 five year olds who all loved to talk.  It really shouldn't have been too big of a deal, but with the stress of graduate school, work and trying to spend the spare time I had studying and with Gavin, it became too much for me.  So after some tears and a talk with a Bishopric member and the Primary President, Gavin became my new team teacher.  It has been such a great experience for both of us and Gavin is really getting the hang of teaching kids under the age of 12 and all of the boys in our class already like him a lot more than me.
Things for me are basically the same.  I am in my last semester of classroom work in the College of Pharmacy (finally).  I can't believe how quickly it has gone.  I still feel unprepared to actually be a pharmacist but can't wait to be finished with school.  The most terrifying part of this semester is seminar, where I get the "opportunity" to present a controversial pharmaceutical topic in front of a group of my fellow classmates and any faculty members who wish to attend (backed up by studies from peer reviewed journal articles, of course) for 45 minutes and then get bombarded with questions about it.  Hopefully all will go well because public speaking is definitely not my strong point.

My parents also took us on a trip to Kauai for Christmas and we had a great time!  We will post pictures soon and hopefully we will do much better with this blogging thing in 2011!


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